Men’s Ministry
Ministry Coordinator: Richard Watson
Our Men’s Group meets every Wednesday night from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Reva Fire Hall on Route 29. Our gathering is upbeat and informal and we use our time together to grow closer to God and each other in Jesus Christ, to learn the Bible and its foundational truths, and to serve others.
LEARNING: We have recently viewed and discussed the thought-provoking audio-visual seminars: The Truth Project and Is Genesis History? by Dr. Del Taggett. As well, our screenings of the feature-length films Time-Changer and Risen were informative and raised many insights and questions about the importance of our faith in Jesus in the modern world. We are currently viewing the video serial The Chosen (Season 1)
FELLOWSHIP: We men meet on the first Saturday of each month for a breakfast meal, conversation and prayer. The monthly gathering takes place at the Country Cookin’ restaurant in Culpeper from 0800 to 0930. This “no-pressure” event is simply a fun way to deepen our relationships with one another as brothers in Christ.
SERVICE: As needs arise, we plan and execute service projects. These efforts are usually outdoor work or clean-up projects supporting older or infirm members. Simple acts like yard work, burning brush piles, cutting trees and delivering firewood are great opportunities for us men to work together, have meaningful fun, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
YOU ARE INVITED! Thanks for viewing our tab here on the SFCC webpage. Please accept our invitation for you to come and meet us – the SFCC men, learn more about Jesus, and help make Him an undeniably real and powerful influence in our efforts to community and nation.